Sunday, March 06, 2005


Listening to: The blower's daughter
Damien rice

Just broke my mirror today. Well.. cracked rather, a nice clean *kracckk* diagonally. Oh well. If i do get the recommended 7 years of bad luck (wait- or it that if i open my brollie indoors?), I 'spose i'll have the angst to blog till im 33.

So bizarre- I was in the multi-storied carpark last night waiting for a friend . The 4th floor had only two cars; the one i was in and this other suv. I was just lazily watching the guy park. He got out of the car. and i watched him take maybe 5 steps away from the doors when he apparently decided that he needed to repark. I was amused. Very conscientious this guy. It's 4 in the morning, and he's still trying to be a good man. The second attempt was pretty good, very parallel, nothing wrong that i cld see. Said nice man got out, *beeped* locked the car, walked away. This time he managed to get to the staircase before he was gripped with the urge to AGAIN repark.

Good grief.

I wonder what he's like at work.

Caught 'closer'. Nasty piece of work there. I only caught it because i was emotionally blackmailed. Yes- you know who you are :) God- it's so disillusioning! Just pass me the white habit someone, so i can hot step it to the convent! Geez.

I was telling this to hairy san and he told me this. " Come back to church. I'll introduce you to elligible men. Godly men. " God help me, but i burst into laughter at that point. He was nice enough to laugh along with me, but again he tried. Tis time with the slightly pained and exagerrated patience that i normally associate with old women with the scent of old rose. I tell him i didn't need his help, and frankly, am a little affronted that he had offered.

"You should be more serious about this. You must start planning already. Do you know what you want?" said the concerned one.

Oh hairy san. I do know what i want. I even have a prayer i use.

Dear heavenly father-
Thank you for the man whom i'll recognise when he smiles
A beauty all my own when i wake next to him
Let him be strong and steadfast, with a pure heart and devilish intent
Thank you for the man who is complete on his own, who wants but might not need,
let him be blessed with keen intellect, patience and kindness
and last but not least,
let him be godly endowed.