Monday, March 28, 2005

Loserhood.Singlehood. One and the same?

Well now.

Apparently in Japan, women over 30 are called makeinu, or "losers".

The author of the article goes on to say, that
".there are many similarities between Singaporean and Japanese society. Both are patriarchal and hierarchical.... "

I'm surprised to read this in a newpaper. My goodness. Certainly sweepy enough of a statement though im not unpleased to see this. Oh sorry, let me rephrase that. A local newspaper. A quick glance from beneath arched brow reveals a name. Tisa Ng. Why am i not surprised to find a woman's name ? Surely you didn't expect to find a man writing that? Perish the thought. Im truly sorry, but the men i know personally seem to believe that there is no prejudice anymore in these present days. I'll admit, it's been greatly improved, but totally? Isn't it slightly .... somewhat .. naive?

By no means am i a feminist. I love my support too much to burn my lovely innerwear. I don't and never did believe in the equality of sexes. I love my men. I believe a man of the house is exactly that. A man who leads the household with decisions that i entrust the lives of our children to. I'd love to take off his shoes when he comes home, and give that neck rub. More. Believe me. But increasingly im frustrated with the roles im stereotyped with. Why? Cos it's women's work. So? I don't see you spearing oxen. Your boss doesn't count. And you sure as hell don't buy back any (faux) skins for me. I may give it all up for you. But acknowledge that it's a sacrifice first. Appreciate. Say thank you often. Don't tell me that it's a woman's lot.

We've both evolved, come a long way. Specialisation is for insects. Let's not even talk about the stereotypes re: giving in to the urge to settle down(or lack thereof) and give into the urge of procreating wildly. Seriously. You mean you didn't know women were that visual as well? Tsk tsk. Learn. It's ok. Im barely 26. You'll catch up.

Not a day back, someone was trying to convince me why it was better to be a woman. And why, pray tell, i asked? Orh, manchild said. Because..

  • You get gifts.
  • You get pampered.
  • You don't get pressurized to earn
  • You get to be taken care of
  • You get to be courted.
  • You get to experience the miracle of birth..


Thats all very nice sweetie, but i'd like to have a little more as well. In fact, i think men get to experience most of the above said as well, no? I'd like to talk to a group of middle aged men, and not have their attention because my body is comprised of boobies and ass ( kay, fine, i do, but so not in the right proportions ;p), but because they might think i have something worthwhile to contribute. I'd like to past a construction site without having to swallow hard and act like i don't notice them noticing. I'd like to be treated like a lady, because i am, and no amount of wanting respect will change that.

Men might think- pah. Women. They want respect, but they want the door opened for them. They want us to be a man, but they want us to be sensitive to their needs as well. Why the f'ing hell can't they make up their fickle little minds? Didn't it ever occur to you, that as every man is different, so is every woman? They're called needs. And you'd do well to find out what they were instead of assuming.

I have no absolute answer for your questions, boys. We're annoying, but you don't have much of a choice. We're stuck with you too. We certainly didn't volunteer for the extra hormonal displacements and progressively saggier twiddly bits. Not even the government aka PAP will be able to cheer us up i can tell you that.

Not all women think the same way. Some overcompensate while trying to prove their independence. Some veer the other way, trying to garner as much attention as they can, not realising that sex is the lowest common denominator. I only wished that both sexes realised that times are changing, that there is no way a single sex can be cramped into acting a certain way. Some, like me, try to remain true to what they really want. It's hard. A life of deciding to be a makeinu. Things could be worse.