Sunday, March 20, 2005

Pot shots?


I went to catch boogeyman on friday night.

Halfway through the opening, i started to get a little fidgity. This wasn't as b grade as i thought it would be, the seats on my right are as empty and black as hell, and is that my imagination cos i see something moving and omg the music is freakin loud and.. You get the idea. Bless her heart, fiona notices. I swap seats so she's on my right, and a couple is down a few seats to my left. Much better.

Suddenly i notice the girl from the couple swapping seats as well. I also notice she's just one seat away from me. Obviously someone's been doing a little illegal shifting down the row.
She notices me looking, turns to me, puts a hand on her chest like she's having pains and gives me a sheepish smile.

"i scared also mah"