Sunday, March 20, 2005

Pot shot 2

Here's a little something something that got me just a leetle conscious.

i have an old subject, a really buff guy my age who takes delight in mentioning that he could bench press 3 of me at one go. I did have fun at his expense previously, telling him that our equiptment could detect steriods. That was fun. He had come in once with a stick-on tattoo of a ..flower no less, all very nice and pastel'ly. I ribbed him telling him he could be honest with moi about his 'orientations'.

On friday i was talking to him about his present trial, when suddenly he looked at me with this wierd look on his face.

Buffboy.of.dubious.orientation: hey- there's something else i wanted to ask.
Moi: Sure- ask away.
B.O.D.O: I'd like to introduce you to some of my friends.
Moi: (*slaps forhead* How many times do i have to go through this??? YEARGGH!) Oh?
B.O.D.O: Im sure you'll like her.
Moi: Nonono..waitaminute. Did you say.. HER? (If my left eyebrow shoots any higher, it's going to migrate to my a**)
B.O.D.O: Hur hur. What do you think?
Moi: As in.. a gay?
B.O.D.O: NO lah- a chick like yerself.

He leans closer, taking advantage of my understandable confusion. He whispers conspiratorially.

B.O.D.O: Does your door swing that way?

Oh. Dear. God. People- make up your mind. I cannot be too gu niang and a butch at the same time can i?