Sunday, March 20, 2005

Finicky eater i am.

This is what happens when you discuss the zodiac with women. Our observations coincided for certain zodiac signs, esp for a few particular ones. Gemini's, leo's, scorpio's... All fascinating but we loved to hate them :) Don't cry, a few foolish women's opinions only counts for entertainment at best.

Lucid's guide to dating by the zodiac. Heh.heh. heh.

Aries 3/21-4/19
They have been fiery, very *you have no idea* opiniated, and slightly stubborn. No metrosexuals here, they were manly men! I liked their zest for knowing their own mind, but i remained too much of my own woman to be them with for long periods. Plus point? Rather ambitious, and they've all done very well for themselves. Plus they're rather randy :)

Leo 7/23-8/22
Too charming by half. Did i say half? God, i meant entirely too much! And they're aware of it! Driven, but mostly able to be personable at the same time. I've usually been very attracted to them, both physically and mentally. They can be as intense or lighthearted as men come, and it drives me nuts. Also tend to be flirts and boys at heart, but at least they're mostly bright. Oh- strangely, the ones i met in this sign seem closer to the mothers. What i didn't like? They weren't that eager to try out..uh..they had their own routines which they stuck to. Nice boys, i'll always have a ready scratch for these big cats.

Sagittarius 11/22-12/21
One of my faves. Very stable, very easy going, i've had fun having fun with them. Very sweet, pretty trustworthy, always determined which also translates into being task oriented. *coughs*

Taurus 4/20-5/20

They're a little too down to earth for me. And not willing to go over the edge enough.

Virgo 8/23-9/22
There have got to be a few signs i've not seen that much of, obviously. Im not that much of a social butterfly :) This wld be one of them. A little too meticulous for me.

Capricorn 12/22-1/19
Workaholics!! Lovely when they've come out to play with me. Usually serious, might have a little temper but otherwise i have no qualms.

Gemini 5/21-6/21
Oh god-I swear. these men are like women! I never can tell where i am with them. When they're happy, they're really happy. When they're on one of their moods..oh boy. In short- unpredictable. Great conversationists, im very at home with these men. When they have their happy mask on that is.

Libra 9/23-10/22
Another of those signs i don't see much of.

Aquarius 1/20-2/18
Im happy to say the men of this sign aren't as frivalous as the women. Which personally i don't see as a problem of course :)) For those of you who havn't guessed, im a water baby as well. All righty, back to the men. Not conventionally beautiful, they have an intensity, a charm that stems from the fact that i've never seen them over eager. NEVER. In fact- it's a mystery how they let on that they're interested in women. Huh. Most that i've met have been quietly intelligent, often beautifully creative.

Cancer 6/22-7/22
Um. Snags? They want babies more than i do! Nice people but im not a kitchen goddess, sorry.

Scorpio 10/23-11/21
Sexy as hell, but with a stuborrn streak as only they can come with, a tendency to have a violent temper, and oh 'so' superbly communicative. I like a domineering man but.. this group is far too much for me.

Pisces 2/19-3/20
Could i say that ALL the ones i've met have been romantic? Or tried their darndest to? A little clingy sometimes. To me lah. I can't speak for everyone. Sheesh.

Lucid takes no responsibility for whatever happens (or doesn't) as a result of her girlfriends reading this. Go pin your relationship woes on someone else sistah. And men- if all else fails, always remember to be at the very least a gentleman.