Wednesday, February 23, 2005

So you think you're sexy?

Listening to:Dans mon ile
Yoko Ono

Im wondering. Do any of you have friends who have had relationships start online? I found out yesterday that a friend had married a man, moved to the states, and settled down. And yes- they met online. They talked for a few months before meeting, and apparently were more than a little infatuated before they eventually met.

A while back i caught a documentary on human instincts, and this particular one was on the science of attraction :) They conducted experiments on certain theories, and these are a few that i found worth remembering.

1)It's possible to calculate how attractive a person is. The more symmetrical the facial features are, and to some extent the body, the more beautiful you are. And they tried this on isolated tribes as well, so it isn't a culturally conditioned factor. Greater symmetry counts because you're less likely to have a debilitating illness.

2)Pheromones- You're not consciously aware of them — they don't have a scent that you can notice. But your brain knows that pheromones are there. And your body reacts to the ones it likes. Men who sniffed T-shirts worn by women who are
ovulating — the part of the menstrual cycle when they're most likely to get pregnant — found the scent more pleasant and sexy than the smell of a women in a less fertile stages. Women with irregular menstrual cycles who took a whiff of male sweat several times a week found their cycles grow closer to an average, regular length. And there's more! Through these pheromones, your body analyses and picks the genetic make up that is most different from yours to ensure our offspring remain genetically diverse. So much for a cute ass.

3)Status. We might not outwardly verbalise that we look for this, but notice we do. For men- this isn't as applicable, but you get the gist. Materialism has an organic origin, and that is to make sure the rest of us cave dwellers get more than a fair share of freshly hunted beast to haul onto our spit.

There are, of course, lots of other factors that make attraction a science, right down to the last decimal point in a woman's hip-waist ratio, but what about the couples who meet online?

There are no pheromones to tweak in us sexual awakening, no way our bodies subconsciously can tell how suitable for each other. How does one explain that then? When people only know how the other looks, writes, and feels.. Some things are meant to remain a mystery, and im glad. You know how women love to ask their bf's why they adore them? Sure as hell would ruin any moment if he answered that my 'pits just smelled right.

Oh- and people? This doen't give you an excuse to bathe less.. Just because you're dirty doesn't mean you have sexy pheromones.. So please, no excuses ;p