Thursday, February 17, 2005

Deceit street.

Let me pose a question to you- If you had an opportunity to try and make things ethically right, but in the process, lose friendships, would you?

When is it right to do right? Must we always decide on the pros and cons when trying to decide if having values are desirable? Do we always have to form committees and have a general consensus to do anything that is near and dear to our heart? What ever happened to doing the right thing even when it hurts? Did the price of sowing the seeds of disparity get too harsh when your peers started looking at you with different eyes because certain things just aren't for compromise?

More and more i find that the illusion of having choice, of having free will; whether personal or socially, is slowly dissipating under the harsh questioning of my inner voice. (just the one, thanks) The question? Why do i have to choose an option? I remember there was a time i had rights.

Whether its the right to breathe the air i want, or to voice the thoughts i have;
the right to say i love you as a friend, but your behaviour makes me want to lose lunch;
the right to say that i feel your behavious is noxious, that in the process you're degrading yourself! (why can't you see it yourself?? )
The right to finally tell you that if you still want me as a friend, i'll always be there for you.

I also realise- you have every right to walk away from all these years we've shared, to turn away from me, and walk down that long , dark street of yours.