Thursday, March 20, 2008

Listening to: Princess superstar
perfect exceeder

Some women lose weight from their faces. Others from their arms, tummies, ect. Working out has garnered me nothing except continually shrinking boobies. I feel a little betrayed by my body (as fat but flatter is never anyone's goal) but at least im getting some use out of my shoelocker.

Against my better judgement, i decided to wear a never worn,pretty pucci like dress (the kind that stays up by magick!), and something a little warmer over since its been almost literally freezing.

After stepping out, i noticed that the fit of the elastic was a little looser, and surreptitious adjustments were needed from time to time to make me feel that much more secure. Since it was dark out and i was late as usual, against my better judgement i decided not to go back and do a change although the thought of a nipplegate mishap did flash unfortunately quickly pass. Halfway through dinner after much laughing, dessert and after dinner drinks, i noticed that i was a leetle colder. A rush of sudden chest awareness had me realising that my left girl was as bare as..she has ever been in a cosy group that didn't involve water sports. And i had been so engaged in my friends that i had no idea what had happened, so i couldn't even gauge how long she had been left out in the cold!

I am so thankful for the weather. And for long hair.
