Sunday, March 09, 2008

Listening to: If i fell
The Beatles

Have you ever wished you could relinquish the upbringing you'd always held dear?

If one didn't know what was socially right and wrong, then we would not have the same expectations. If we didn't hold our conceived rights close to our hearts, then we would be more accepting. And it follows that if we are more accepting, we'd be easily happier with what we presently perceive as a slightly stunted way of life. No pun intended. *rolls eyes*

If we didn't know what was right or wrong, we'd follow what feels best; instead of rationalising, we'd just.. be. We wouldn't know second best, we couldn't care even if we did, because we'd be too busy giving a damn about the what we have.

It sounds so indecidedly unsingaporean, so contrary to what we've been taught and yearn for.

What do you crave for today?

How many of us are craving the exact same thing, at the exact same moment, the same quietly desperate moments that all people must face?

I know. I creep myself out sometimes :p~