Saturday, April 09, 2005

Bliss. I wish it came in tablet form.

Listening to: Bliss
Tori amos

So the parents have been in japan for 3 days already. And i havn't asked anyone to stay over and take my mind off spending nights alone. Actually im surprised that this time i don't mind turning most of the lights off before i go to bed- heh. Must be because i havn't watched a horror flick in yonks. And also because im tired of being called a wuss.

Was griping that platonic relationships are never really what they seem to be, as evidenced when stay overs occur. So i wonder- is this because guys will be guys, or is there something sinister in my behaviour? It's not like i lounge around in slinky red things or spike drinks and watch sylvia saint on broadband. Sheesh. Nothing catastrophic occured of course, being the good catholic *coughs* girl that i am. Sensible is what i am. Of course.

Why is so hard to find a truly platonic friend? To say in good faith that, yes, he's my friend because he likes me as i am, for the person i am? And NOT because im obviously lacking a schlong?

And yes, guilt always sets in. Even if they hadn't known better, i should have. Right?

I think back over a few times when i had clubbed and indulged in un-faith like behaviour. It might not be a biggie to some, but it was enough to make me feel like it was a moment best stolen and forgotten. It wasn't the drinks. It wasn't that i was in an unknown place where no one knew me. It's not like i havn't been concerned at a girl friend's 'next morning' confessions because i don't believe in one nighters. Heaven knows they wld be surprised if they knew what goes through my mind. Right things at the right time, with the right people. Person, i meant-lol!

What happens if one day the "should know better's" and the "frankly i don't give a shite's" meet?

Then what?