Sunday, January 20, 2008

Listening to: The Gift
Sai No Haha O.S.T

(wierd title, delicate pretty songs ;p)

Just received news that someone in my life might be going to Dubai for a couple of years or more.

There is nothing more bittersweet then someone who almost means the world to you slowly but surely moving furthur and furthur away. Yeah, it's surely thrown a funk to my mood and concentration this morning, and soon it'll be time for a last supper and the ritual of upgrading my addresses.

There are some whom you love to have around. Then there are those whom you love no matter if they are around or not, if they've been good or bad, those who are always worth it no matter what.

Thank you for hanging around so long ;p Be safe, be loved, and most of all, think on me and know you have someone who's always on your side.