Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I read a recommended blog, and it was, for lack of a better word to describe it, a blog exclusively about sex, sex, and more sex. Second time this mth someone has pointed me in the direction of one. Kink in the kitchen. Contortions in the car. Bliss on the balcony. Conjoining in the mile high club. Ok. I havn't read anyone writing about that one yet, have to admit ;)

I passed on the reading. Not because im a prude, but because, in recent times, there just seems a surplus of these floating around. Is it my imagination, or are most of these bloggies written by the women? It's like pornography. When you first start, you lap everything up, then you slowly become more discerning, and finally, it takes a special something to make you put that clip on "continous replay". Is it for increased readership? Is it because they enjoy nothing more and are nymphomaniacs? Or do they just enjoy the pleasures of writing and not feeling archytyped by our very singaporean culture, being able to give their explanations and reasons for everything? Posts on especially interesting encounters would be something; i wouldn't say i promise never to write about those provided they're not so vanilla that the next thing i do is check my mail when i should be excusing myself to my bedroom.

I'll admit it takes someone inspired to write about these tantalising encounters and the associated every post time and time again and not sound boring..

This isn't a rant and im just musing, but i wonder what the percentage is like when we talk about female readership of those blogs. I have nothing against them, but as a man, don't be surprised if i don't froth at the mouth each time i find a new sex blog.

Please. The word i'd like you to use on me is discerning. And no, prudes don't make men blush.