Monday, February 11, 2008

Listening to: Shy
Sonara antartica

Random thoughts. People can be surprisingly beautiful.

The security guard who takes solace in the lateness of the hour- playing a chopin. He stops when he sees us, but he doesn't know we marvel.

The sleazy scholar with his hard earned, oft flashed material comforts. Brash and coarse at first he seemed to me, but he takes time out to cook his soup for his sick mother, and his attentiveness is.. *laughs* surprising.

The unexpected card from a friend. Sniff.

The look in my mom's eyes when i told her i wasn't coming back for dinner.


I am so pooped. Today is just goanna be errands, and movie with bets. *yawns* No longer thinking about ze supposed lup of mine life, think i've gotten to know him a little too well. I thought i knew the difference between infatuation and lurvve. Apparently it takes time to tell :D
