Thursday, May 11, 2006

listening to: black cherry

Black cherry makes for good making out background. Now, now, it was just a thought.

I refused to blog about the elections, and i still won't. Just have 3 things to say before i zip up.
  • Did no one else get called a sympathist and not in a good way?
  • Teo ser luck looks less dishy without his specs. Why do people always assume they look better without?
  • Um. Make it 2 points, because im not sure if free speech is allowed.

It's been really quiet these weeks. Probably just me, and i'm beginning to feel positively like a hermitess(sometimes). That politeness, that tact, and that diplomacy is wearing thin and i don't want to blow up/be rude to anyone because i'll just feel bad for days. So far it's just been reservations that didn't materialise, a small mouth that just wouldn't close, and a masculine one which took liberty with addressing me. In the midst of there being too many things to do, the feeling of standing still doesn't dissipate. Things don't get moved fast enough. I believe the name to the sensation is wound up :)

Picked up the ol' running shoes, but all i've been doing is stumbling, or making distressing (to the other runners) breathing noises. My secret goal is to run the standard chartered (quarter marathon anyone?) at the year end.Which year end i'm not sure yet. Not everyone knows i fag, and i've been intermittently off for 2 mths, and completely for 3 weeks. God knows, its one of the things i enjoy wholeheartedly, and being near someone who does, or catching a whiff of the that heavy scent that is so sweet to me, is enough to want to make me renege and be satisfied i'll live till 40. I figure if i run enough, i'll be so miserable with aching that i forget running off to the mama store to get my fix.

J and i were at Ikea, when i sur·rep·ti·tiously noticed , from the back, a tall feminine figure all in white. "Hot!", i thought to myself. I didn't count on J noticing her either. This is the first time he's noticed someone and had a reaction like that when he's with me, and i'm shamed to say it but..I'm sweetly jealous. He went on to extoll the virtues of her features, her height, and maddingly, he looked like he was in a bit of a daze. Eurasian, very young, and pretty breasty, very leggy. There was no denying she was damningly gorgeous. It's strange for me to feel this way, to feel a little ashamed that i didn't look perfect for him, right then and there.

Ack. Must be the nicotine, or lack therof thats making me womanly weak!!!!